Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can't believe that it's already time for our Thanksgiving break! We have had so much fun learning about Pilgrims, Native Americans, the Mayflower, turkeys, and so much more.

Here is our precious Mayflower that we used to learn many important facts about the Pilgrims and their long, hard journey.

We compared Pilgrim children to children today using this cute Venn Diagram.

We read The Amazing Turkey Rescue and responded to the story. All of the kiddos did wonderful with the writing and art on this activity. I was very impressed with all of their ideas. :)

We completed this turkey graph with the question: "Do you like to eat turkey?" Many of them love turkey although we had a few that did not.

Here is my absolute favorite activity: We read There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie! The kiddos loved this story. After reading the story, I divided the students into groups where they created one of the things that the old lady swallowed. Then, we added them to our old lady. She is so cute and silly and was a wonderful addition to our classroom!

We made these cute pattern block turkeys during Math. They were so much fun to make!

I hope you all have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving!

Mrs. Garrett