Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can't believe that it's already time for our Thanksgiving break! We have had so much fun learning about Pilgrims, Native Americans, the Mayflower, turkeys, and so much more.

Here is our precious Mayflower that we used to learn many important facts about the Pilgrims and their long, hard journey.

We compared Pilgrim children to children today using this cute Venn Diagram.

We read The Amazing Turkey Rescue and responded to the story. All of the kiddos did wonderful with the writing and art on this activity. I was very impressed with all of their ideas. :)

We completed this turkey graph with the question: "Do you like to eat turkey?" Many of them love turkey although we had a few that did not.

Here is my absolute favorite activity: We read There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie! The kiddos loved this story. After reading the story, I divided the students into groups where they created one of the things that the old lady swallowed. Then, we added them to our old lady. She is so cute and silly and was a wonderful addition to our classroom!

We made these cute pattern block turkeys during Math. They were so much fun to make!

I hope you all have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving!

Mrs. Garrett

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We have been having so much fun during the month of October!!! I can't believe that it is almost over! Here are a few of the things that we have been so busy doing this month:

We had so much fun estimating, counting, and especially eating candy corn. We also described it, made this cute craft, and graphed whether or not we liked candy corn. As you can see, most everyone loved candy corn!!! :)
We made the cutest ghosts to hang from our ceiling to make it "super spooky" in our classroom. I think my kiddos love these a little too much! :)

We learned so much about pumpkins too!

Here are the cute pumpkin glyphs that we made!

Here are our precious spider glyphs that turned out so cute! I love these precious spiders. They are not scary at all! :)

I hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Mrs. Garrett

Monday, October 8, 2012

Farm Fun!

We have been having so much fun learning all about farm animals, farmers, pumpkins, and so much more! My sweet little friends amaze me at how much they have already learned!

Thank you so much to all of the parents that came to Old Baker's Farm with us. We had so much fun even though it was just a little muddy. :)

 We had so much fun at the pumpkin patch that we decided to make our very own silly pumpkin patch for our classroom.

We also made the cutest farmers ever (thanks to an idea from Pinterest)! I just love these precious farmers. They did such a wonderful job!!!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Garrett :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Welcome to Kindergarten!

I am very excited about the upcoming school year and feel honored to have the opportunity to work with you and your child. I can't wait to meet you at "Meet the Teacher" on Wednesday, August 15th from 4:00-6:00 P.M. Don't forget to bring your supplies if you did not buy a supply pack. Here are some other important dates that you need to know:

Monday, August 20th- First Day of School (Kindergarten students will have their pictures made.) School begins at 7:45; so, please make sure that your child arrives on time.
Thursday, September 6th at 6:00 P.M.- Parent Orientation (We will discuss classroom rules and procedures, academics, etc.) (Parents only, please.)

I am looking forward to a wonderful year with you and your child! See you soon!